
Why Is Nutrition Important?

Nutrition is important as it helps individuals attain the best fitness throughout life, according to the National Health and Medical Research Council of the Australian Government. Eating a balanced diet improves a person’s health and well-being and reduces the risks of major causes of death. Buy our best seller here.

Food is a source of energy, vitamins, minerals, protein, and essential fats needed through the body to live, grow and function properly, says the NHMRC. People need a large variety of different ingredients to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamins for a healthy body. With proper nutrition, people can reduce the risk of severe diet-related diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, and nutritional anemia.

Proper nutrition plays a key role in retaining a healthy lifestyle, notes the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. A person’s daily meal choices considerably affect his basic health. When combined with physical activity, a healthy diet can assist people to keep a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Unhealthy diets have led to the obesity epidemic in the United States. As of 2011, around 33.8 percent of adults are obese. Poor diet is closely linked to major fitness risks even for people with a healthy weight. Considering the significant connection between good nutrition and healthy weight, it is thus important for people to make smart meal choices.

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